This spectacular and visually-rich spot for Consol Glass was directed by Fausto Becatti and produced by Daniel Kaplan from Bioscope films for Grey. Fausto's approach was to capture as much in-camera as possible, combining footage from several shoots, including super slo-mo, macro and microscopic captures.

We handled the compositing of the gorgeous live-action plates, with our own Chris Lockhart supervising a team of 4 compositing artists. The goal was composites with a light-touch and seamless blending.

Compositing by Masters & Savant. Producer: Alise Antrobus. Compositing Supervisor: Chris Lockhart.Produced by Bioscope Films. Exec Producer: Daniel Kaplan. Director: Fausto Becattti. DOP: Brendan Barnes. Art Director: Natasha Carstens. Editor: Julian Redpath.Online by We Are Blacksmith. Final Mix by Produce Sound. Music Composition by Pressure Cooker Studios. Wits Scientists: Deran Reddy, Special FX and Pyrotechnics: Manny Knightley.
