Work With Masters
If you or your company produce an international caliber of work and are looking for global or regional representation, you can apply here.
Production talent
At Masters & Savant, we're always on the hunt for the brightest, hungriest commercial production talent out there for our in-house team.
If you'd like to join our team full-time or be considered for freelance work, please email us your portfolio or showreel (or links to them). Don't forget to let us know where in the world you are based.
South Africa
Roger Smythe
(Co-founder) +27 82 887 7532
Office Address
26 Susman Drive, Blairgowrie
2195 Johannesburg, South Africa
Postal Address: Johannesburg
Postnet Suite 137, Private Bag X2600 Houghton, 2041, Johannesburg, South Africa
Postal Address: Cape Town
Postnet Suite 221; Private Bag X1, Vlaeberg, 8018, Cape Town, South African 2041, South Africa