now we’re talking

South Africa

Roger Smythe

(Co-founder) +27 82 887 7532

Office Address

26 Susman Drive, Blairgowrie
2195 Johannesburg, South Africa

Postal Address: Johannesburg

Postnet Suite 137, Private Bag X2600 Houghton, 2041, Johannesburg, South Africa

Postal Address: Cape Town

Postnet Suite 221; Private Bag X1, Vlaeberg, 8018, Cape Town, South African 2041, South Africa

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    Maximum 20MB total file size. If bigger, please rather include a link in your project info

    Sorry! But please don’t send us unsolicited ideas for feature films or tv series as we are unable to fund those.


    United States & Canada

    Liz Shaw

    Liz Laine Reps  +1 312 961 4444

    [email protected]


    Send us a message...

      Maximum 20MB total file size. If bigger, please rather include a link in your project info

      Sorry! But please don’t send us unsolicited ideas for feature films or tv series as we are unable to fund those.


      Rest Of World

      Roger Smythe

      (Co-founder) +27 82 887 7532

      Office Address

      26 Susman Drive, Blairgowrie
      2195 Johannesburg, South Africa

      Postal Address: Johannesburg

      Postnet Suite 137, Private Bag X2600 Houghton, 2041, Johannesburg, South Africa

      Postal Address: Cape Town

      Postnet Suite 221; Private Bag X1, Vlaeberg, 8018, Cape Town, South African 2041, South Africa

      Send us a message...

        Maximum 20MB total file size. If bigger, please rather include a link in your project info

        Sorry! But please don’t send us unsolicited ideas for feature films or tv series as we are unable to fund those.